HieronyVision is proud to announce the extension of our Film Incubator project. Through this program, HV will continue to help filmmakers independently develop, produce, market, and distribute their first feature.
How It Works
The focus of the Film Incubator is on microbudget productions, based on our continued belief that this is the future of truly independent cinema. As part of the Film Incubator process, members of the HV team will advise on story and production from their experience with their own projects made at this budget level. There are no creative restrictions to the types of stories, genres, or content of the films. Although there are certain parameters within the program, these are only intended to allow the directors to make their films realistically on a microbudget.
In the Film Incubator development program, filmmakers will be able to raise the money independently or with HV’s assistance. For certain projects, HV will provide funding, though this is not guaranteed. The program also encourages filmmakers to market their projects as part of development and production. HV will also provide guidance through various distribution options. Similarly, for certain select projects, HV will potentially act as the distributor.

The Mission
HV’s goal for the program is simple: help filmmakers make a feature length movie and find their audience. The Film Incubator is not designed for and does not encourage the making of short films, TV pilots, or other formats unless conducive to monetizable distribution.
The History
As part of our inaugural run with the program, HV will produce Alis Lopez’s experimental feature, Temporary Temperaments. Our other Film Incubator alum Eden De Jesus will independently make his own film, Killing the Canary, a contemporary neo-noir project.
As of this moment, there is no application process for the Film Incubator. We choose the participants from our current Artist Members. If you would like to be considered for the Film Incubator, become an Artist Member to let us get to know you and your work!